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Coys empowerment network


Program overview

Coys Empowerment network is a dynamic empowerment program designed to support and empower youth aged 10-14. The program aims to provide conflict resolution and anger management skills, creative expression through writing and arts, bullying prevention and intervention strategies, leadership development, and positive behavior support. By combining these elements, CEN aims to foster personal growth, resilience, and positive development among young individuals.


Program Components

  1. Conflict Resolution and Anger Management

  2.  Writing and Arts Creative Expression

  3. Bullying Prevention and Intervention:

  4.  Leadership Development

  5.  Positive Behavior Support

Program benefits

- Improved conflict resolution and anger management skills.

- Enhanced self-expression and creativity through writing and arts.

- Increased awareness and prevention of bullying.

- Development of leadership skills and community engagement.

- Improved communication, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.

- Enhanced self-esteem and positive behavior.


Program Implementation 

- Collaborate with schools, community centers, and youth organizations to identify potential participants.


By implementing the Coys Empowerment network Program, we aim to provide a comprehensive approach to empower and support youth, equipping them with essential skills and tools to navigate conflicts, express themselves creatively, prevent bullying, develop leadership abilities, and foster positive behavior.

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